Decarbonizing Rail: Zero-Emissions Train Project
We are pursuing development of a unique, battery-powered rail locomotive for freight transportation. The battery we have selected for this project has high nominal energy density.
The United States has about 95,000 route miles of track in operation and 26,000 Class One diesel locomotives. All these locomotives operate on diesel fuel. The only electrified lines are in the Northeast Corridor and these are used for passenger trains. There currently is no direct way to reduce diesel use for freight rail.
Our technology development is led by Prof. Thomas Zawodzinski, Governor’s Chair in Electrical Energy Conversion and Storage, with appointments in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at University of Tennessee-Knoxville and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Possible prototype test sites include one of the nation’s most important cargo ports, in order to reduce pollution and truck traffic between the port and two inland ports, and NCI’s project property in Upstate New York.